<aside> 💡 With Giftkart, we enable Headless Integration where in Gift Cards can be bought on a headless store and fulfilled in the Shopify Backend with the help of GiftKart app.


For the Headless GiftKart Integration to work, you need to pass line item properties along with the Gift Card product.

You can add a variant to the cart with line item properties using the properties property. Its value must be an object of key-value pairs.

"properties": {
       "To": "",
       "From": "",
       "Note": "",
        "Recipient Email": "",
       "Delivery Date": "",

//sample values
"properties": {
"To": "recipient name",
"From": "sender name",
"Note": "gift note",
"Recipient Email": "[email protected]",
"Delivery Date": "2022-08-23",

As long as you’re passing these properties, you get complete control over the design of the Gift Card page and how you collect the information.

**Here’s an example** of a Headless Store that uses Giftkart.

Additional Reads:

Cart API reference